Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Water service nearly lost after closure of strip club

Mustang, TX - An unpaid bill nearly caused a supplier to shut off water service to an entire town.

Mustang’s 40 residents had faced the possibility of losing water service Monday if they didn’t find a way to pay a $3,400 bill. Someone made the payment, said Jay Mertz, president of the Angus Water Supply Corp., though he declined to identify the person, the Corsicana Daily Sun reported.

The tiny town, founded in 1972 to provide a home for alcohol sales in Navarro County, had been paying its water bill with sales tax money collected at the only two local businesses - a strip club and a bar.

But both businesses closed last year in the heat of a legal dispute stemming from the sale of the town...

original story

  Naughty Singles Near Mustang, TX
  Texas Strip Clubs Map
  Texas Strip Clubs in Google Earth

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